estate planning for life

Estate Planning For Life is a new kind of service that was born with a request by one of Gil’s clients.  Bill wanted to make sure his wife was properly looked after if he became disabled or died suddenly, so we worked with Bill to prepare a document he called “The Information That Matters” which we both kept handy in the event of a crisis.  Over time the idea grew and became the most sophisticated Estate Planning solution in the world today providing advisers a suite of tools to properly engage, facilitate and lead clients to a powerful and comprehensive estate planning solution that evolves with the changes in the client’s lives.



CFP, AEPS, Estate Planning Thought Leader

“How are you Sharon?...” I asked.

“Gil the bugger went and died on me, and I don’t know what to do!!!”

Sharon’s husband had suffered a massive cerebral haemorrhage on their front step and died a few hours later.  Always dependant on him to handle the money, Centrelink and the bills Sharon suddenly had to fend for herself and she wasn’t coping.  Over the course of the next 12-18 months we got her standing on her own two feet again.  A highly intelligent woman, Sharon took great comfort in how prepared we were and how professionally we cared for her and her daughter over that period

15 years after we prepared the first solution for Bill and with a lot of examples like Sharon’s I am more committed, more passionate and more excited about this innovative way to serve our clients than ever.  Advice businesses all over Australian are subscribing and using EPFL to execute a scalable and yet highly personalised solution into their practice that enhances both  their offering to clients as well as their bottom line.

Good advice puts people first!

chris Neal

CFP and Financial Adviser with 15 years experience, General Manager

My real introduction to estate planning (as opposed to text books and being a “you need a Will” adviser) was around 10 years ago when my Uncle (who was a bachelor) died without a Will. It was incredibly difficult for the family, and although we were able to eventually sort out the estate my memories are of the small things that made everything so much harder (What did he want at his funeral? Did he have any other investments we weren’t aware of?).  It was difficult for me who understands the rules – I could only imagine how much harder it must be for our clients.

Olga Gebarowska

Marketing Coordinator

I started work in Poland in the Public Notary and saw firsthand people in extreme distress when it came to dealing with deceased estate of their relatives, fighting with their families when no will has been left behind or having to take care of family members who were no longer able to make independent decisions. When I moved to Australia I started working in the financial planning industry and I realised that while the weather might be nicer here the issues clients are dealing with are the same. The EPFL process makes sure the documents are in order to try to avoid these unnecessary struggles.

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